An "all original" political cartoon blog by well known comic book artist and game designer Pepe Moreno (Batman: Digital Justice, HellCab, BeachHead2000.). Finding humor in a political atmosphere where reality is funnier than fiction. It's funny and it is interesting how the “political cartoon” comes alive in this blog-html world- format and how it's dynamic relates to a short attention span -glued to the internet- generation.
In the best tradition of the post-apocalyptic movement and movie classics like The Road Warrior and Escape from New York, REBEL captures the raw essence of the period in its own right. Departing from the standard caped super hero mold, Pepe Moreno's style and aggressive, surgical approach to social commentary shook the world of graphic novels in its infancy. The message of his work still rings true. The combination of powerful story line and intuitive use of color continues to inspire generations of readers.